Full Service

We can offer you the full range of CRO ser­vices, from study set­up and con­duct to data han­dling, analy­sis and report­ing to all aspects of drug safe­ty with all study phas­es and sub­se­quent­ly with post-mar­ket­ing sur­veil­lance tri­als. The ser­vices can be con­tract­ed as a full-ser­vice pack­age or as func­tion­al ser­vices, based on each customer’s needs. Our process­es are flex­i­ble and can be adapt­ed for med­i­c­i­nal prod­ucts or med­ical devices includ­ing dig­i­tal health appli­ca­tions (DiGA, DiPA) with regard to cur­rent laws and regulations.

We are able to pro­vide all of our ser­vices with­in the DACH region and across Europe and var­i­ous coun­tries around the globe, lever­ag­ing our ecosys­tem of local part­ners if and where required.

Study Setup & Conduct

  • Sci­en­tif­ic Consulting

  • Site Selec­tion & Feasibility

  • Patient Recruit­ment

  • Reg­u­la­to­ry Ser­vices & Pro­vi­sion of Legal Representative

  • Study Man­age­ment

  • Study Mon­i­tor­ing

  • Study Doc­u­men­ta­tion

  • Import, Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Labeling

  • Drug Logis­tic

Data Handling, Analysis & Reporting

  • Project Man­age­ment

  • Data Man­age­ment

  • Bio­sta­tis­tics

  • Med­ical Writing

  • Proof­read­ing & Translation

Drug Safety

  • Phar­ma­covig­i­lance

  • Safe­ty Writing

Illustration of a female talking on the phone while being in front of a computer

You are looking for a reliable partner?

Con­tact us and get an impres­sion of our dynam­ic team and way of think­ing. We are look­ing for­ward work­ing with you soon.